Our courses are built around 5 strong themes: Principles in Gastroenterology, Statistics & Research Methodology, GI & Liver Diseases, Communication & Health Administration, Management of GI Diseases. Upon completion of our programme, students will develop strong skills in analytical thinking, proficiency in communications and confidence in tackling digestive diseases that come from thorough knowledge of gastroenterology.

Programme Structure

(1 YEAR)


Semester 1

Principles in Gastroenterology

Statistics & Research Methodology

Semester 1 (Year 1)

Principles in Gastroenterology

Semester 1 (Year 2)

Statistics & Research Methodology

Semester 3 (YEAR 2)

* Master of Science in Gastroenterology is CME/CNE/CDE accredited.

** Classes will mainly be held in evenings, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, N.T..

CME Points:
Community Medicine 10 points
Family Physicians 100 CME / 10 CPD
Paediatricians 10 points Cat E; 80% attendance rate in whole function
Surgeons 18 points
CNE Points:
The Programme has been granted a total of 177 CNE points.
CDE Points:
The Programme has been granted 1 core and 9 non-core CDE points

Programme Structure

(1 YEAR)

Semester 1

Principles in Gastroenterology

Statistics & Research Methodology


Semester 1 (Year 1)

Principles in Gastroenterology

Semester 1 (Year 2)

Statistics & Research Methodology

Semester 3 (YEAR 2)

* Master of Science in Gastroenterology is CME/CNE/CDE accredited.

** Classes will mainly be held in evenings, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, N.T..

CME Points:
Community Medicine 10 points
Family Physicians 100 CME / 10 CPD
Paediatricians 10 points Cat E; 80% attendance rate in whole function
Surgeons 18 points
CNE Points:
The Programme has been granted a total of 181.5 CNE points.
CDE Points:
The Programme has been granted 1 core and 9 non-core CDE points